"donate" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

donate Verb

donate + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 67
donate money • donate land • donate blood • donate stock • donate one's time • donate one's collection • donate funds • donate sums • ...
Verb + donate
Kolokacji: 9
agree to donate • begin donating • offer to donate • consider donating • decide to donate • ...
donate + Präposition
Kolokacji: 25
donated by • donate to • donate for • donate from • donate in • ...
donate + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 14
later donate • donate generously • eventually donate • personally donate • donate directly • ...
1. later donate = później ofiaruj later donate
4. donate directly = ofiaruj bezpośrednio donate directly
6. regularly donate = regularnie ofiaruj regularly donate
7. donate heavily = ofiaruj ciężko donate heavily
  • In turn developers donated heavily to his campaign fund.
  • Business leaders involved in the street car company donated heavily to Nye's campaign, and the voters of the city looked for any alternative.
  • He still donated heavily, now, but there was also a closet back in the cliff house with over three million dollars in it.
  • Lou made a fortune, donated heavily to charities and frequently came to the aid of fallen women.
  • The ploy worked, and awed train commuters donated heavily to the project.
  • Tobacco interests, under siege in Washington, donated heavily.
  • He also donated heavily to the University of Louisville and to various other schools and hospitals.
  • He donated heavily to the church and to local charities.
  • "He is a respected business executive who donates heavily to political campaigns."
  • As a major provider of affordable housing, he donates heavily to political parties and uses his influence to seek policy changes.
8. kindly donated = życzliwie ofiarować kindly donated
9. donate annually = ofiaruj rocznie donate annually
10. voluntarily donate = dobrowolnie ofiaruj voluntarily donate
11. frequently donate = często ofiarowuj frequently donate
12. freely donate = swobodnie ofiaruj freely donate
(2) personally, privately
Kolokacji: 2

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