"donate" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

donate Verb

donate + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 67
donate money • donate land • donate blood • donate stock • donate one's time • donate one's collection • donate funds • donate sums • ...
Verb + donate
Kolokacji: 9
agree to donate • begin donating • offer to donate • consider donating • decide to donate • ...
donate + Präposition
Kolokacji: 25
donated by • donate to • donate for • donate from • donate in • ...
donate + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 14
later donate • donate generously • eventually donate • personally donate • donate directly • ...
1. later donate = później ofiaruj later donate
4. donate directly = ofiaruj bezpośrednio donate directly
  • The student may donate directly to the candidate's campaign committee (the limit is $2,500 per election).
  • Those following can interact and donate directly to the parks visited.
  • Of course you could also donate directly but that wouldn't bring a hot pink netbook into your life, would it.
  • Even if the Internet makes the work easier, some parents are bypassing product sales to donate directly to schools.
  • Other registered users and browsers are able to donate directly through the site.
  • Yet it is not just the money they donate directly that makes people in hedge funds attractive to campaigns.
  • By paying for their own commercials rather than donating directly to a candidate, these groups find that they have more control over the campaign discourse.
  • These groups would use the money to influence individual elections across the country, either by donating directly to campaigns or buying ads themselves.
  • Groups that can solicit money to be donated directly to candidates are poised to become more influential.
  • Or, you can donate directly to Goods for Good.
6. regularly donate = regularnie ofiaruj regularly donate
7. donate heavily = ofiaruj ciężko donate heavily
8. kindly donated = życzliwie ofiarować kindly donated
9. donate annually = ofiaruj rocznie donate annually
10. voluntarily donate = dobrowolnie ofiaruj voluntarily donate
11. frequently donate = często ofiarowuj frequently donate
12. freely donate = swobodnie ofiaruj freely donate
(2) personally, privately
Kolokacji: 2

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