"donate" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

donate Verb

donate + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 67
donate money • donate land • donate blood • donate stock • donate one's time • donate one's collection • donate funds • donate sums • ...
Verb + donate
Kolokacji: 9
agree to donate • begin donating • offer to donate • consider donating • decide to donate • ...
1. agree to donate = zgódź się ofiarować agree to donate
2. begin donating = zacznij ofiarowywać begin donating
3. offer to donate = zaproponuj by ofiarować offer to donate
4. want to donate = chciej ofiarować want to donate
5. ask to donate = poproś by ofiarować ask to donate
6. stop donating = przestań ofiarowywać stop donating
  • If he ever has to divulge his name or if the company ever stops paying him, he will stop donating immediately, he said.
  • CURSE encouraged local KCMU supporters to stop donating money to the station in protest.
  • One in every five Catholics surveyed said the scandal had prompted them to stop donating to the local diocese.
  • A few years after he began, Benny Goodman decided to stop donating his arrangements to the New York Public Library.
  • If the Government sell off the blood transfusion service I will stop donating.
  • What level of loony do you have to be before American people don't attend your rallies and stop donating to your election campaign?
  • He stopped donating money to the wrestling federation in June 1995.
  • The town of New Haven stopped donating money to the Fund in 1719, which made hiring schoolmasters nearly impossible.
  • "They think that donors will interpret this negatively and stop donating."
  • None of the companies say they will stop donating money to either party, but Goldstone says this is no longer his focus.
(2) consider, decide, persuade
Kolokacji: 3
donate + Präposition
Kolokacji: 25
donated by • donate to • donate for • donate from • donate in • ...
donate + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 14
later donate • donate generously • eventually donate • personally donate • donate directly • ...

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