But at one point on Friday, the yield fell all the way to 3.80 percent.
Its yield fell to an 11-month low of 5.83 percent.
The average yield fell by 8 basis points, to 6.90 percent.
The 30-day simple yield fell a similar amount, to 1.90 percent.
The 30-day average yield fell by the same amount, to 7.81 percent.
As yields fell in 1992 and 1993, the funds became more popular.
Its yield fell to 7.34 percent, down 5 basis points.
The yields fell below 8 percent for the first time in two years on Friday.
He predicted 30-year yields could soon fall to 5.45 percent.
The first time it got to that area was in January 1973 when the yield fell to 2.65 percent.