A thrilling sense of deja vu accompanies the lush Edenic images that provide "The Thin Red Line" with its prologue in paradise.
Even as it moves toward tragedy, it carries a heady, thrilling sense of artistic risk (Scott).
Claire Suddath of Time named "Yonkers" the eighth best song of 2011, describing it as "minimalistic rap" and "a piece of performance art", concluding that "'Yonkers' creates a thrilling sense of uneasiness that the music world hadn't seen since the early days of punk."
Now Dinosaur Jr. is a band in a more traditional, less thrilling, and probably more sustainable sense: three guys with a strong track record and a new CD to flog.
He be knew that he was physically strong, but with this wonderful knowl edge, he experienced a new, thrilling sense of strength and excite ment unlike anything he had ever known before.
One last chirtle: Chowder goes off on a tiny rant against the exporting of haiku to the West, arguing that the 5-7-5 syllabic pattern "makes perfect, thrilling sense in Japanese, and makes no sense whatsoever in English."
Here in the stale and cavernous dark was a thrilling sense of permanence.
She felt a thrilling sense of anticipation as the orchestration expanded and each of the instruments grew louder, her desire for the song to reveal its hidden secret enhanced by the dramatic and 124 teasing build-up.
Initially you will spend more time wrestling your car away from walls and metal dividers, but with mastery comes a thrilling sense of cinematic flair.
"Yes," he said, the most wicked, thrilling sense of freedom stealing through him: no surveillance and perhaps a ton of mud for soundproofing insulation; a listener who would immediately forget what he said.