She became acquainted with his wife and two children who were both named after Kati's children.
Owners name them after their children, Disney characters, their business or how they made their money.
They developed a private clothing label as well, Marc Robbins, named after their two children.
He named asteroids after his children and their spouses.
The company was really named after his three children, Paul, Sandi, and Terri.
Later, he founded the Adasar Group, a consulting firm named after his two children.
He wrote his first children's book, Out on the Pampas in 1868, naming the book's main characters after his children.
Now we have hurricanes named after our black children, too.
He was the ancestor of the tribes of Israel, which were named after his children.
He and his wife, Suzanne, own a home in a sprawling development he built where the streets are named after their children.