But why this sudden gloom, this morbid sense that things are not right in the universe?
Somebody with a morbid sense of humor named this place Clown Town.
Much of Pam's character is revealed through her morbid sense of humor that has a sweet-but-lethal charm.
Many fear more attacks are inevitable, evoking a morbid sense of resignation.
Frequently, Townsend's lyrics approached serious personal or political issues with a morbid sense of humor.
I forget most people - even doctors - aren't used to my morbid sense of humor.
I seemed to have developed some sort of morbid sixth sense over the last two days.
"You got a morbid sense of humor," Clucker said, unsmiling.
Yet in another, somewhat morbid sense, the strike was beautiful!
His morbid sense of drama, he said, stems in part from his Catholic upbringing.