The split within the movement does not fall along religious or theological lines.
Elsewhere the match between artist and object is more organic and may fall along formal lines.
As a logical consequence, opinions fell along certain lines.
But the response to his comments fell along partisan lines.
As might have been predicted, reactions from the two legislative leaders whose support the Governor needs for his budget plan fell along partisan lines.
All three appellate judges are Republicans, suggesting that the issue does not fall along easily recognizable ideological lines.
And in both cases, the political reasoning falls along similar lines: proponents of change argued that unprepared students were being admitted to college.
The divisions do not fall strictly along traditional partisan lines and are as much within the parties as between them, particularly for Republicans.
The community reaction here, while fervent, has fallen largely, but by no means completely, along ethnic lines.
Where moral scandals are concerned, Americans currently fall into three categories, largely along generational lines.