First published in the fall of 1989, the Ceres Principles are a 10-point code of corporate environmental ideals to be publicly endorsed by companies as an environmental mission statement or ethic.
The selections their editors make are to meet their corporate ideals, not to satisfy me, and I certainly rail against force feeding me the homogenised, and largely dumbed down BBC content.
The populace needed a concrete person in whom to invest their loyalty, since no one would fight to the death or swear blood oaths for a vague corporate ideal.
Despite his critics, Richard was generally well-regarded and considered to be a man knowledgeable of "...corporate religious ideals and the needs of a whole community".
The discipline of exhibition design, however, has a shorter and humbler history, emerging from world's fairs and trade shows, where its function was to sell national and corporate ideals, unassisted by the presence of a precious artifact.