The traditional defined benefit pensions would still be an option, but those benefits might be less generous than the plan for current public workers.
He also received an extensive benefits package and will receive a defined benefit pension when he retire.
Most want a negotiated settlement based on the defined benefit pension that the government has already promised.
- Workers will continue to get defined benefit pensions.
Serwokta with his 6 figure salary, company car, defined benefit pension and subsidised accommodation.
Twenty years ago most workers had "defined benefit" pension plans: their employers promised them a certain amount per year.
Defined benefit pensions and the final salary schemes that many public servants still enjoy have largely stopped in the private sector.
Fixed benefit pensions are gone; only 401(k) plans are available to newcomers.
Funding formulas for defined benefit pensions call for reduced contributions when the stock market and real interest rates are high.
All Pennsylvania public school teachers receive a defined benefit pension.