The Nutrition Diva's Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous

302 ND What to Eat Instead of Grains (Reissue)

Hinzugefügt: 26. Oktober 2016

Cutting down on grains is a good way to improve your nutrition. But what should you eat instead? Visit the website:

403 ND What Foods Deserve to Be Labeled Healthy?

Hinzugefügt: 18. Oktober 2016

The FDA is looking for input on how to define "healthy". Nutrition Diva has a better idea. Read the full transcript here:

402 ND Does Science Support Ayurveda?

Hinzugefügt: 12. Oktober 2016

Ayurvedic medicine was practiced for thousands of years before anyone invented the placebo controlled experiment. How has this ancient system held up to modern scientific scrutiny? Read the full...

401 ND Are These 2 Fears Leading You to Overeat?

Hinzugefügt: 4. Oktober 2016

Understanding the triggers that lead to mindless eating is the first step in eating more mindfully. Read the full transcript here:

400 ND Is It Better to Eat Seasonal Produce?

Hinzugefügt: 21. September 2016

Eating fresh local produce is a great idea. But there's no reason to avoid fruits and vegetables because they aren't in season. Read the full transcript here:

399 ND Which Nutritional Trade-Offs Are Worth It?

Hinzugefügt: 14. September 2016

When a food has both good and bad points, how do you decide which is more important? Read the full transcript here:

398 ND How to Slow Age-Related Muscle Loss

Hinzugefügt: 6. September 2016

Get more benefit from the same amount of protein. Read the full transcript here:

397 ND Is Intuitive Eating the Answer to Weight Loss?

Hinzugefügt: 30. August 2016

Proponents of intuitive eating promise that you can eat whatever you want as long as you're sufficiently attuned to your body. Nutrition Diva is not so sure. Read the full transcript here:...

396 ND Should You Count Net Carbs instead of Total Carbs?

Hinzugefügt: 23. August 2016

How are Net Carbs Calculated? Are they a better for diabetics and dieters to keep track of carbs? Read the full transcript here:

395 ND What Causes Brain Fog?

Hinzugefügt: 16. August 2016

Why brain fog is not a very useful diagnosis. Read the full transcript here:

393 ND Are Saponins in Quinoa Toxic?

Hinzugefügt: 3. August 2016

Some worry that saponins in quinoa can damage your intestines. But is there evidence to support these claims? Read the full transcript here:

392 ND Are These Hidden Calories Making You Gain Weight?

Hinzugefügt: 27. Juli 2016

We hear a lot about reducing added sugar but there's another source of empty calories that is often overlooked. Read the full transcript here:

391 ND How Much Salt Do You Need to Be Healthy?

Hinzugefügt: 20. Juli 2016

Are there advantages to a higher sodium diet? Read the full transcript here:

389 ND How to Reduce the Toxins in Your Blood

Hinzugefügt: 5. Juli 2016

A certain amount of toxic exposure may be the price of living in the 21st century. But there may be something you can do to help reduce the level of toxins in your blood. Read the full transcript...

388 ND Can an Anti-Inflammatory Diet Help PMS Sufferers?

Hinzugefügt: 28. Juni 2016

A new way to fight back against PMS? Perhaps. Read the full transcript here:

386 ND What's the IIFYM Diet?

Hinzugefügt: 14. Juni 2016

Proponents claim it doesn't matter what you eat as long as it fits your macros. Read the full transcript here:

385 ND 3 Nutrition Tips for Cancer Survivors

Hinzugefügt: 7. Juni 2016

Three things you can do to keep cancer from coming back. Read the full transcript here:

384 ND How Does the MIND Diet Protect Against Alzheimer's?

Hinzugefügt: 1. Juni 2016

Can an experimental diet keep your brain healthy as you age? Nutrition Diva takes a closer look at the evidence to support the MIND diet. Read the full transcript here:

383 ND What's the Definition of Processed Meat?

Hinzugefügt: 25. Mai 2016

The reason that it’s hard to find a hard and fast definition for processed meat is that there isn’t one. Nutrition DIva makes sense of the madness. Read the full transcript here:

382 ND Is Coconut Oil Good for Brain Health?

Hinzugefügt: 18. Mai 2016

Is Coconut Oil Good for Brain Health? Nutrition Diva weighs in. Read the full transcript here: