"wind" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

wind Verb

wind + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 14
wind one's way • wind streets • wind roads • wind one's arms • wind down the window • ...
wind + Präposition
Kolokacji: 38
wind up • wind down • wind through • wind around • wind into • ...
1. wind up = nakręcać (np. zegarek, zabawkę) wind up
2. wind down = odprężać się, relaksować się, wrzucić na luz wind down
3. wind through = wiatr całkowicie wind through
  • The body of the creature began to wind around him.
  • Only the last member of the team is allowed to wind the rope around their body.
  • One led into the mountain peaks, the other seemed to wind around the side.
  • They kissed hard and their arms wound around each other.
  • She murmured his name again and wound her arms around him.
  • This one would not be so easy as Davis to wind around her finger.
  • He reached for the wire where it was wound around its bit, then changed his mind.
  • The fact was, he loved being wound around her little finger.
  • This means that the closed chain does not wind around points outside the region.
  • The car turned at a road sign pointing to the village and began to wind its way around a hill to the top.
6. wind to = wiatr aby wind to
7. wind in = wiatr w wind in
9. wind up with = wiatr w górę z wind up with
10. wind along = wiatr wzdłuż wind along
12. wind on = wiatr na wind on
13. wind up on = wiatr w górę na wind up on
14. wind up at = wiatr w górę przy wind up at
15. wind from = wiatr z wind from
16. wind about = wiatr około wind about
17. wind among = wiatr wśród wind among
18. wind between = wiatr pośrodku wind between
wind + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 21
tightly wound • eventually wind up • slowly wind • wind upward • wind away • ...

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