"think" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

think Verb

think + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 77
think tanks • think people • think what hell • think thoughts • think women • think God • think QUESTION • think Angelina Jolie • ...
Verb + think
Kolokacji: 101
keep thinking • begin thinking • start thinking • stop thinking • remember thinking • help thinking • bear thinking • sit thinking • ...
1. keep thinking = kontynuuj myślenie keep thinking
5. remember thinking = przypomnij sobie myślenie remember thinking
6. help thinking = powstrzymaj się od myślenia help thinking
7. bear thinking = nieś myślenie bear thinking
8. sit thinking = siadać myśląc sit thinking
9. shudder to think = drżeć na samą myśl, bać się pomyśleć (np. co mogłoby się zdarzyć) shudder to think
10. tend to think = miej skłoności do myślenia tend to think
11. like to think = lubić myśleć like to think
12. seem to think = wydawaj się myśleć seem to think
14. hate to think = nie cierp myślenia hate to think
15. try to think = spróbuj myśleć try to think
16. prefer to think = wól myśleć prefer to think
17. think about taking = pomyśl o braniu think about taking
19. use to think = użyj by myśleć use to think
20. start to think = zacznij myśleć start to think
21. think about going = pomyśl o pójściu think about going
22. think about grow = myśleć rosnąć think about grow
  • I've been thinking about this, and thinking about how Fog Creek Software (my own company) should grow.
  • Are you thinking about how to grow your business - but need some help to meet the challenges?
  • It's not hard to take care of orchids, if you think about how they grow in the wild.
  • She was thinking about how quietly you could grow to depend on a person, almost like a junkie with a habit.
  • Once your business is established and financially secure, you need to think about how to grow or improve it.
  • Think about where these plants grow, in woodlands where natural leaf litter protects wild flowers and ferns and supplies needed nutrients as it decays.
23. want to think = chciej myśleć want to think
24. need to think = potrzebuj myśleć need to think
25. stop to think = zatrzymaj się by myśleć stop to think
26. think about getting = pomyśl o dostawaniu think about getting
27. come to think = poweźmij myśl come to think
28. think about making = pomyśl o robieniu think about making
29. learn to think = naucz się myśleć learn to think
30. encourage to think = zachęcaj by myśleć encourage to think
31. happen to think = zdarzać się myśleć happen to think
33. think about said = myśleć powiedziany think about said
34. force to think = siła myśleć force to think
35. continue to think = kontynuuj myślenie continue to think
36. think about leaving = pomyśl o wychodzeniu think about leaving
37. think of happened = myśleć zdarzyć się think of happened
38. think of leaving = pomyśl o wychodzeniu think of leaving
39. go to think = idź do myśleć go to think
40. got to think = namówiony by myśleć got to think
41. think about want = myśleć chcieć think about want
42. think about happened = myśleć zdarzyć się think about happened
43. think of taking = pomyśl o braniu think of taking
44. recall thinking = przypomnij sobie myślenie recall thinking
45. allow to think = pozwól myśleć allow to think
46. lead to think = prowadzić myśleć lead to think
47. think of making = pomyśl o robieniu think of making
48. think of getting = pomyśl o dostawaniu think of getting
49. think of going = pomyśl o pójściu think of going
50. think of trying = pomyśl o próbowaniu think of trying
51. bear to think = przenosić myśleć bear to think
52. pause to think = zatrzymaj się by myśleć pause to think
53. think about trying = pomyśl o próbowaniu think about trying
54. think of asking = pomyśl o pytać think of asking
think + Präposition
Kolokacji: 50
think about • think out • think up • think outside • think of • ...
think + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 257
honestly think • mistakenly think • think aloud • think possible • think big • think necessary • think grimly • think wryly • think twice • ...

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