"statutory" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

statutory Adjektiv

statutory + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 87
statutory authority • statutory rape • statutory body • statutory requirement • statutory provision • statutory right • statutory law • ...
2. statutory rape = nielegalne stosunki seksualne z nieletnimi, uwiedzenie osoby nieletniej (gwałt w sensie prawnym) statutory rape
3. statutory body = organ ustawowy statutory body
5. statutory provision = przepis prawny, postanowienie ustawowe statutory provision
6. statutory right = uprawnienie ustawowe statutory right
9. statutory duty = obowiązki ustawowe statutory duty
10. statutory power = ustawowa moc statutory power
11. statutory limit = ustawowy limit statutory limit
12. statutory obligation = obowiązek ustawowy statutory obligation
  • He said that the police had a statutory obligation for public safety.
  • There was, however, no statutory obligation upon the Council to produce one.
  • At this point, board officials say, the agency's statutory obligation to the citizen has been completed.
  • There is a statutory obligation to keep tax records.
  • The expert does, in any case, have a statutory obligation to deliver a timely decision: see 14.7.3.
  • "We have to move ahead for the greater good, and also because of our statutory obligation," he said.
  • There is only a statutory obligation to give equal treatment in terms and conditions of work.
  • And it's a statutory obligation in this country and that's really what you know.
  • Albert is under a statutory obligation to repair the structure.
  • In the event of travel problems, there is often no statutory obligation on airlines or other companies to give the consumer protection.
13. statutory responsibility = ustawowa odpowiedzialność statutory responsibility

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