"statutory" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

statutory Adjektiv

statutory + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 87
statutory authority • statutory rape • statutory body • statutory requirement • statutory provision • statutory right • statutory law • ...
2. statutory rape = nielegalne stosunki seksualne z nieletnimi, uwiedzenie osoby nieletniej (gwałt w sensie prawnym) statutory rape
3. statutory body = organ ustawowy statutory body
  • In Ireland, development consent is divided among different statutory bodies.
  • The most important statutory bodies of the university are the senate, the academic council and the syndicate.
  • Since then it has carried on its activities, independent of the University or other statutory bodies.
  • In 1982, after a number of changes, the board became a statutory body.
  • We also update the statutory bodies on aspects of the illness and its management.
  • Other problems included issues with several statutory governing bodies.
  • It manages a number of statutory bodies and state owned enterprises.
  • These were introduced in July 1983 when the new statutory bodies for the professions came into being.
  • The Board were created as autonomous statutory local bodies for providing civil services.
  • Later, It was incorporated as a statutory body in April, 2000.
5. statutory provision = przepis prawny, postanowienie ustawowe statutory provision
6. statutory right = uprawnienie ustawowe statutory right
9. statutory duty = obowiązki ustawowe statutory duty
10. statutory power = ustawowa moc statutory power
11. statutory limit = ustawowy limit statutory limit
12. statutory obligation = obowiązek ustawowy statutory obligation
13. statutory responsibility = ustawowa odpowiedzialność statutory responsibility

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