"standard" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

standard Substantiv

Substantiv + standard
Kolokacji: 205
industry standard • safety standard • quality standard • Evening Standard • jazz standard • performance standard • emissions standard • ...
standard + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 16
Advertising Standards Authority • standards body • standards organization • Financial Accounting Standards Board • ...
standard + Verb
Kolokacji: 69
standard requires • standard applies • standard includes • standard rises • standard defines • ...
Verb + standard
Kolokacji: 116
set standards • establish standards • adopt standards • impose standards • standard required • raise standards • meet standards • ...
10. violate standards = złam standardy violate standards
12. create standards = stwórz standardy create standards
13. follow standards = przestrzegaj standardów follow standards
14. achieve standards = zrealizuj standardy achieve standards
17. enforce standards = wprowadź w życie standardy enforce standards
19. exceed standards = przekrocz standardy exceed standards
20. uphold standards = utrzymaj w mocy standardy uphold standards
21. abide by one's community standards = stosować się czyjś normy wspólnotowe abide by one's community standards
  • Anyone who has registered with guardian.co.uk can post a comment, as long as they abide by our community standards and participation guidelines.
  • This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards.
  • A: A user can be reinstated if the moderation team are confident that he or she understands the cause of their suspension, agrees to abide by the site's community standards and will be able to contribute reasonably and sociably to the conversation in future.
  • A: We ask everyone interacting on the Guardian website to abide by our community standards and participation guidelines.
  • And the next time you see 'This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't abide by our community standards.
22. promote standards = propaguj standardy promote standards
23. live up to the standards = pozostań wiernym standardom live up to the standards
24. conform to standards = dopasuj do standardów conform to standards
25. comply with standards = spełniaj standardy comply with standards
26. include standards = obejmuj standardy include standards
27. adhere to standards = przestrzegaj normatywów adhere to standards
29. upgrade to standards = podnieś jakość do standardów upgrade to standards
30. standard called = standard zadzwonił standard called
31. implement standards = standardy narzędzia implement standards
32. support standards = wsparcie standardy support standards
33. make standards = marki standardy make standards
35. satisfy industry standards = spełnij standardy przemysłu satisfy industry standards
38. Education standard is described = Standard edukacyjny jest opisany Education standard is described
39. tighten standards = ogranicz standardy tighten standards
40. standard expected = standard oczekiwał standard expected
41. ensure standards = zapewnij standardy ensure standards
42. demand standards = standardy żądania demand standards
43. write standards = napisz standardy write standards
Adjektiv + standard
Kolokacji: 265
high standard • international standard • national standard • double standard • academic standard • ethical standard • strict standard • ...
Präposition + standard
Kolokacji: 27
below standards • of standards • to standards • at Standard • on standards • ...

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