"income" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

income Substantiv

Substantiv + income
Kolokacji: 39
household income • family income • operating income • investment income • interest income • retirement income • ...
income + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 97
income tax • income level • income inequality • income limit • income distribution • income family • income group • ...
income + Verb
Kolokacji: 53
income rises • income falls • income increases • income exceeds • income grows • income drops • income comes • income declines • ...
Verb + income
Kolokacji: 67
earn income • generate income • income derived • provide income • report income • receive income • supplement one's income • ...
Adjektiv + income
Kolokacji: 142
median income • net income • annual income • low income • average income • high income • personal income • gross income • ...
6. high income = komin płacowy high income
8. gross income = dochód brutto gross income
9. disposable income = dochód netto, dochód rozporządzany disposable income
10. taxable income = dochód podlegający opodatkowaniu taxable income
11. total income = dochody ogółem total income
13. fixed income = stały dochód fixed income
14. extra income = dodatkowy dochód extra income
15. additional income = dodatkowy dochód additional income
16. adjusted income = regulowany dochód adjusted income
18. real income = dochód realny real income
19. steady income = stały dochód steady income
20. ordinary income = zwykły dochód ordinary income
21. modest income = skromny dochód modest income
23. yearly income = roczny dochód yearly income
  • You'd pay ten percent of your yearly income not to have to talk to her at all.
  • Its yearly income dropped by $1 billion over the next four years.
  • You're single, working at least 30 hours a week, and have always had a yearly income of £12,000.
  • You have always had a joint yearly income of £17,000.
  • Today his yearly income, he said, is usually in the range of $40,000 to $50,000.
  • This means a yearly income of more than $22 million.
  • By 2008, her yearly income had increased to $275 million.
  • Before he turned 2, his mother and father spent half of their yearly income to buy him a piano.
  • Before the boy turned 2, his parents spent half of their yearly income, about $300, to buy him a piano.
  • An extra tax for those with a yearly income of over €12,000.
24. moderate income = umiarkowany dochód moderate income
25. regular income = stały dochód regular income
26. small income = niewielki dochód small income
27. lost income = zgubiony dochód lost income
28. after-tax income = dochód po opodatkowaniu after-tax income
29. combined income = łączny dochód combined income
30. future income = dochody przyszłych okresów future income
31. current income = dochód bieżący current income
32. limited income = limitowany dochód limited income
33. discretionary income = dochód rozporządzalny (pozostały po opłaceniu czynszu, rachunków, itd.) discretionary income
34. outside income = poza dochodem outside income
35. middle income = dochód środka middle income
36. large income = duży dochód large income
37. weekly income = dochód tygodniowy weekly income
38. substantial income = znaczny dochód substantial income
39. unearned income = dochód niezarobiony, dochód niewypracowany unearned income
40. good income = dobry dochód good income
41. private income = dochód osobisty (z biznesu lub odsetki) private income
42. third-quarter income = trzeci-ćwierć dochód third-quarter income
43. sufficient income = wystarczający dochód sufficient income
44. huge income = olbrzymi dochód huge income
Präposition + income
Kolokacji: 23
of income • with incomes • on income • in income • for income • ...

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