"favor" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

favor Verb

favor + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 117
favor abortion rights • favor an approach • favor candidates • favor change • favor development • ...
Verb + favor
Kolokacji: 3
tend to favor • seem to favor • appear to favor
favor + Präposition
Kolokacji: 19
favor by • favor over • favor for • favor in • favor with • ...
favor + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 32
heavily favored • strongly favor • generally favor • long favored • overwhelmingly favor • ...
3. long favored = długo preferowany long favored
5. clearly favor = najwyraźniej przysługa clearly favor
6. personally favor = osobiście przysługa personally favor
7. once favor = kiedyś przysługa once favor
8. highly favor = bardzo przysługa highly favor
9. unfairly favor = niesprawiedliwie przysługa unfairly favor
13. actually favor = faktycznie przysługa actually favor
  • Most of the peninsula's population actually favor Russian control.
  • The very small I.Q. difference observed actually favored the black children.
  • More than that, this was a trip that actually favored the Nets.
  • Israelis actually favor, by a large majority, a national unity government.
  • - that don't sound much like the analytical give-and-take these thinkers actually favored.
  • That makes it hard to tell whether traders actually favored a stock.
  • The events in this other universe may actually favor the opposite, or something we can't, or don't, want to imagine.
  • For this reason, there were those who thought that the draw actually favored Mueller.
  • Although, the band actually favored some of the demos over the final songs.
  • What they actually favor is stopping the government from protecting the Internet, so they can get their own hands on it.
15. slightly favor = nieznacznie przysługa slightly favor
16. largely favor = w dużej mierze przysługa largely favor
17. historically favored = historycznie preferowany historically favored
18. openly favor = otwarcie przysługa openly favor
19. necessarily favor = koniecznie przysługa necessarily favor
20. definitely favor = z pewnością przysługa definitely favor
21. widely favored = powszechnie preferowany widely favored
22. naturally favor = naturalnie przysługa naturally favor
23. unduly favor = nadmiernie przysługa unduly favor
24. disproportionately favor = nieproporcjonalnie przysługa disproportionately favor
(2) generally, narrowly
Kolokacji: 2
(4) initially, originally
Kolokacji: 2

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