"favor" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

favor Verb

favor + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 117
favor abortion rights • favor an approach • favor candidates • favor change • favor development • ...
Verb + favor
Kolokacji: 3
tend to favor • seem to favor • appear to favor
favor + Präposition
Kolokacji: 19
favor by • favor over • favor for • favor in • favor with • ...
(1) by, over, for, in, with, ...
Kolokacji: 9
1. favor by = przysługa przez favor by
2. favor over = przysługa ponad favor over
3. favor for = przysługa dla favor for
4. favor in = przysługa w favor in
5. favor with = przysługa z favor with
  • Will you not favor me with the sound of your voice?
  • He favored me with a short history of recent events.
  • The President is not doing anyone any favors with this policy.
  • "Members trade favors with each other to get them passed."
  • For the first time he favored me with something like a smile.
  • "You favor me with such words," she heard herself say.
  • However, he began to favor peace with the whites during the 1870s.
  • Rather do I say that we are favored with such luck as few men have.
  • He had no energy to favor her with a response, for the past pressed even closer now.
  • He turned his head and favored the little man with a look of cold inquiry.
6. favor at = przysługa przy favor at
7. favor on = przysługa na favor on
8. favor to = przysługa aby favor to
9. favor from = przysługa z favor from
favor + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 32
heavily favored • strongly favor • generally favor • long favored • overwhelmingly favor • ...

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