"extract" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

extract Verb

extract + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 61
extract information • extract oil • extract concessions • extract confessions • extract money • ...
Verb + extract
Kolokacji: 4
used to extract • try to extract • involve extracting • manage to extract
extract + Präposition
Kolokacji: 19
extract from • extract for • extracted with • extracted in • extracted at • ...
extract + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 21
successfully extracted • easily extracted • carefully extract • extracted directly • automatically extract • ...
2. easily extracted = łatwo wydobyć easily extracted
4. extracted directly = wydobyty bezpośrednio extracted directly
7. forcibly extracted = siłą wydobyć forcibly extracted
8. partially extract = częściowo wydobądź partially extract
9. safely extracted = bezpiecznie wydobyć safely extracted
10. once extracted = kiedyś wydobyć once extracted
11. simply extract = po prostu wydobądź simply extract
12. quickly extract = szybko wydobądź quickly extract
13. gently extract = łagodnie wydobądź gently extract
14. chemically extracted = chemicznie wydobyć chemically extracted
  • The produced germanium-71 was chemically extracted from the detector, converted to germane (GeH).
  • The germanium was then chemically extracted and concentrated.
  • In modern vegetable oil production, oils are usually extracted chemically, using a solvent such as hexane.
  • Thick walls had been gradually thinned so that air might be chemically extracted from the stone.
  • At the hospital, the Tc that forms through Mo decay is chemically extracted from the technetium-99m generator.
  • Charcoal packets may be placed along the expected route of the flow, later the collected dye may be chemically extracted and its amount subjectively evaluated.
  • The active alkaloids, pseudoephedrine and ephedrine, are chemically extracted from the plant material and processed for pharmaceutical purposes.
  • A separate reprocessing plant then chemically extracted weapon-grade plutonium from other products created during the controlled nuclear chain reactions.
  • Uranium in ores is extracted chemically and converted into uranium dioxide or other chemical forms usable in industry.
  • The absorbent material is then chemically or physically extracted and measurements performed using various gas chromatograph or mass spectrometry methods.
15. deftly extract = zręcznie wydobądź deftly extract
16. efficiently extract = efektywnie wydobądź efficiently extract
17. selectively extracted = wybiórczo wydobyć selectively extracted
18. surgically extracted = chirurgicznie wydobyty surgically extracted

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