"extract" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

extract Verb

extract + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 61
extract information • extract oil • extract concessions • extract confessions • extract money • ...
Verb + extract
Kolokacji: 4
used to extract • try to extract • involve extracting • manage to extract
extract + Präposition
Kolokacji: 19
extract from • extract for • extracted with • extracted in • extracted at • ...
(1) from, for, with, in, at, ...
Kolokacji: 9
2. extract for = wydobywać dla extract for
5. extracted at = wydobyty przy extracted at
  • Players can build facilities that will extract these resources at a certain rate.
  • Drinking water is extracted at 50 to 200 me depth.
  • We're standing by to extract him at the first opportunity.
  • I extracted paper from the hiding place at the bottom of my wardrobe.
  • She then extracted a medical recorder from the pouch at her side.
  • "I don't think there is a compelling reason to extract equity at this point," she said.
  • From the 1870s water was extracted in large quantities at the source for the brewing industry.
  • There are good reserves of stone that can be extracted at several locations.
  • Franks has extracted her father's secret, at the cost of his tears.
  • However, this can be extracted at a later stage (see retreat mining).
6. extract to = wydobywać aby extract to
7. extract by = wydobywać przez extract by
8. extract on = wydobywać na extract on
extract + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 21
successfully extracted • easily extracted • carefully extract • extracted directly • automatically extract • ...

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