"county" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

county Substantiv

Substantiv + county
Kolokacji: 831
Westchester County • Suffolk County • Nassau County • Montgomery County • Bergen County • Essex County • Jefferson County • ...
county + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 316
county seat • county executive • County Road • county official • county council • County Cork • county jail • county commissioner • ...
county + Verb
Kolokacji: 86
county pays • county uses • county includes • county begins • county says • ...
Verb + county
Kolokacji: 54
locate in Brunswick County • play for the county • cover several counties • make for the county • create in the County • ...
(1) locate, settle, sign, cross
Kolokacji: 5
(2) play, go, move, run, die, ...
Kolokacji: 11
(3) cover, include, encompass
Kolokacji: 4
1. make for the county = skieruj się ku hrabstwu make for the county
2. create in the County = stwórz w Hrabstwie create in the County
4. county is created = hrabstwo jest stworzone county is created
5. county is formed = hrabstwo jest założone county is formed
6. county is named = hrabstwo jest wymienione county is named
8. county is abolished = hrabstwo jest zniesione county is abolished
9. county called = hrabstwo zadzwoniło county called
10. make to Kent counties = robić do Kent hrabstwa make to Kent counties
11. serve for the county = służ do hrabstwa serve for the county
12. make against Derby County = zrób przeciwko Derby County make against Derby County
13. name for the county = imię dla hrabstwa name for the county
14. prohibit counties = zakaż hrabstwom prohibit counties
  • In 2005, state senator Dean Florez attempted to pass a state preemptive bill prohibiting counties from banning GEOs.
  • The Federal welfare law also prohibits states, cities and counties from using their own money to provide benefits to undocumented immigrants.
  • It was included in the state's Constitution as a way to prohibit cities and counties from borrowing more money than they could realistically afford.
  • State law even forbids a local option and prohibits cities and counties from banning the off-premises sale of alcohol.
  • State law prohibits counties from building housing, he said, "so what is our alternative?
  • This year, Mr. Walker noted, Mr. Bush signed into law a measure prohibiting Texas cities and counties from filing lawsuits against gun manufacturers.
  • The legislature also passed the National Rifle Association's bill to prohibit cities and counties from adopting local gun-control ordinances, the same measure I had vetoed in 1989.
  • It allows for breed specific spay-neuter local ordinances but "prohibits cities and counties from banning any specific breed of dog."
  • A state law, which took effect last November, prohibits counties from denying Medicaid to those people.
  • Kentucky's constitution and revised statutes prohibit cities and counties from enacting weapons laws and restrictions.
15. county is established = hrabstwo jest założone county is established
17. administer several counties = sprawuj władzę nad kilkoma hrabstwami administer several counties
18. form in the county = forma w hrabstwie form in the county
(5) consist, comprise, represent
Kolokacji: 3
(6) divide, subdivide
Kolokacji: 3
(8) inherit, win, receive, buy
Kolokacji: 4
Adjektiv + county
Kolokacji: 85
rural county • suburban county • eastern county • northern county • southern county • western county • historic county • ...
Präposition + county
Kolokacji: 21
by county • into several counties • at Derby County • against Derby County • including several counties • ...

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