In addition to Penn's extensive political and religious treatises, he wrote nearly 1,000 maxims, full of wise observations about human nature and morality.
The world wants to see us as fountains of wise observation.
Then you climb out of your old number seven and make the wise observation that the enemy is moving up all along the line!
Thank you General Patton, for that wise observation.
He listened to me with great attention, and made very wise observations on all I spoke.
"A wise observation," Tellian said, glancing ever so briefly at his nephew's profile from the corner of his eye.
"You can't disappoint them if they don't expect much" had been her wise observation one night as she curled her body against him.
A wise observation, young man,' he said soberly, patting his mustache with a big white napkin.
That is a very wise observation on your part, Mr Fatuzzo.
And what if I who intrude with these wise observations am also the narrator created by another author?