Chantel Michot lived in a clapboard shotgun house at the edge of the road that backed upon a wide green pasture.
It was wide, sloping pasture and some woods, a little rancho with a view of Zitácuaro.
She came to an earthen trail that led across wide pastures toward the hills, and she could see the clouds gathering above them.
Elvis hitched a ride to the water tower, which sat on a great wide pasture at the edge of town.
The state road soon turned to two lanes, flanked by great fields of corn and soybeans and wide green pastures.
Iroquois cut a path through her pasture 60 feet wide and 2,300 feet long, but she considers herself lucky.
The extent of sheep loss is hard to determine due to the wide pasture lands in some parts of Australia.
All hands hunt the wide pastures for the guilty garlic plants.
At that moment Skendi was emerging from the cornfield adjoining the wide pasture on the far side of the wooded area.
We make expansion inconvenient, costly; we herd the beast to its wider pastures in the other direction.