The ecosystem preserved in this zone was unique in its abundance of vertebrate life.
Cretaceous vertebrate life of Texas included amphibians, birds, dinosaurs, fish, and reptiles.
Their claim that the fish were swimming would prove that at least some vertebrate life can withstand the extreme pressure at the oceans' deepest point.
Why, then, do we continually portray this pitifully limited picture of one little stream in vertebrate life as a model for the whole multicellular pageant?
To get rid of their inhibition Death, extraterrestrials must first wipe out all vertebrate life on Earth.
Fishes, vertebrate life in the waters.
Birds, vertebrate life in the air.
The origin of tetrapods has been generally associated with the emergence of terrestrial vertebrate life.
The Niobrara's vertebrate life included sharks, which left behind fossil teeth.
One wall depicts the major branches of plants and invertebrate animals; the other shows vertebrate life in all its diverse forms.