It was a very dilapidated vehicle, known in the country as a kibitka, just capable of holding three persons.
The vehicle, known as Austin 1st series, was based on a passenger car chassis with rear axle drive.
Only one vehicle known to exist, and fate unknown.
The vehicles, known in the industry as long-life vehicles, are expected to last 24 years.
Under the deals, assets would be sold to supposedly independent vehicles, known as special purpose entities.
Gameplay takes place on foot or within vehicles known as "Battle Rigs".
More recently he has built a new vehicle currently known as the State Coach Britannia.
The original vehicle known as the car is referred to in the novel by the retronym downcar.
There are no vehicles known to be on order.
But he is also placing a gigantic bet on the success of an ideal vehicle known as the "world car."