Junior year of high school, I came up with a brilliant two-step plan: 1) don't eat junk food and 2) exercise.
It also calls for their use and production to be cut back by 50 percent by 1999 in a two-step plan.
The President's announcement, possibly on Thursday, will follow Defense Secretary Les Aspin's recommendation for a two-step plan to blunt the opposition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Mr. Florio is to announce his two-step plan in his first budget message to the Legislature.
The new Administration proposal is a two-step plan.
Last week, he laid out what amounts to a three-year, two-step plan of succession at Citigroup.
Under the two-step plan, sometimes referred to as "reset option", the mortgage note "resets" using current market rates and using a fully amortizing payment schedule.
The Republican Party has been reaching out to them with a two-step plan: 1.
Under a two-step plan announced Thursday night, the 14,000 soldiers of the Second Infantry Division are to leave about two dozen small bases to concentrate at Red Cloud, the division headquarters, and Camp Casey.
The American proposal, presented as an informal suggestion, is a two-step plan.