About 40 percent of the world's human population lives within the geographical tropic zone (by 2008 statistics).
In the tropic zone, walls sprout ferns and dangling moss, giving the illusion of dense forest.
There were no icy planets near; this was in the tropic zone.
It prefers tropic subhumid zones.
This species is found in all the oceans, ranging from the Arctic and Antarctic to the subtropical and tropic zones.
Atherina, is a genus of fish of silverside family (Atherinidae), found in the temporary and tropic zones.
A. Codium is a large genus with many species throughout the world found in tropic and temperate zones.
Dahl is in the tropic zone so obviously we're going either north or south-and a considerable distance too.
However, wetlands found in the tropic zone, around the equator, are warm year round.
Nearoak-a rough-barked Safeholdian tree similar to Old Earth oak trees, found in tropic and near-tropic zones.