On 21 October 2009, De Crem got approval of the government for his own transformation plan.
Under the transformation plan, the Housing Authority also set out to rehabilitate 5,000 units of public housing for families by 2010.
Despite that, Mr. Lakefield said yesterday that the company would move ahead with its transformation plan.
Despite its transformation plan, Delta remains a sprawling company at a time when leaner, more financially able airlines are leading the industry.
These funds will help coordinate citizen engagement with those who are overseeing this transformation plan and implementing key recommendations from the community consensus planning process.
Despite claiming that the transformation plan for the company as almost complete, the company continues to post disappointing financial results.
Including the spin-off, Sara Lee raised more than $3.7 billion in proceeds as part of the company's transformation plan.
Mr. Barry has introduced a "transformation plan" to streamline the government.
However, nearly all of these buildings have been demolished as part of the CHA's transformation plan.
Launched on September 21, 2010, it is a comprehensive economic transformation plan to propel Malaysia's economy into high income economy.