Beyond the trees, laden with vines and flowers, a tilled field stretched far off into the distance.
The two flyers landed a respectful distance from his burning craft, and guards spilled out onto the tilled field.
Though he could see tilled fields and groves in the distance, he could see not so much as a shed for a watchman.
So when the forest thinned and ended I leaned against a tree to catch my breath and looked out at the tilled field.
Encolpio finally leaves the villa, helping the limping, beaten Eumolpo to drink water from a pool in a tilled field.
I like Teresa, and she was probably the best farmer aboard, but her grasp of reality beyond the tilled field or hydroponic tank was seriously impaired.
The car, passing the last of the relief-encrusted mounds, sped along between tilled fields.
"Your reverend archpriestships," began a gnarly fellow, who seemed to have absorbed something of the earthiness of the endless tilled fields, without working in them.
I kept on, and came out in a tilled field, near a town.