The most recent instance was the debate over public ownership, whether clubs would be permitted to sell a minority share through stock.
Through preferred stock, financial institutions are able to gain leverage while receiving Tier 1 equity credit.
Lord Black did control the company through holding companies and supervoting stock, but his economic interest was just 18 percent.
The rest is through incentives, stock options and restricted stock.
But they can continue to own a piece of the company through stock.
There was hope that those efforts would soon bear fruit through new stock and bond offerings on more favorable terms.
Executives argue that remuneration through stock instead of salary ties management performance to their financial benefits.
One way to do this would be through reverse stock splits.
Projects are also in hand to modernise the classic parts of the system through realignments and new rolling stock.
Trian, which has more than $1 billion, has acquired about 5.5 percent of Wendy's through stock and options.