The neighborhood remains a thriving center of independent local businesses.
It is a thriving commercial center in Eritrea with a population estimated at 4,000.
Today, the town, with its population of 7,444, is a thriving centre for music, art, theatre and natural health.
Cross Village, like many of the area small towns, was once a thriving center for lumber.
The entire state of Chihuahua is also a thriving economic center.
Now a federal and state landmark, the building at 114-04 14th Road is still a thriving center.
Despite its small size, Sunfield is a thriving center of local culture.
In 1820, it was the state's largest town, a thriving center for trade and agriculture.
Carson City's development was no longer dependent on the mining industry and instead became a thriving commercial center.
Atlanta has become a thriving center for business and entertainment.