Among study participants, obesity was associated with diabetes only in people who tested high for these pollutants.
And, if they test high, wouldn't the sequel invalidate the findings?
However, in soils testing high in lead, it is possible for some lead to be taken up.
Mari, everyone tries to test high, to increase his eventual rank and influence.
Not an articulate guy, Eddie, nor a knowledgeable space buff-but he tested high on intuition.
It has tested high for lead in nearly 20 percent of government tests between 1994 and 2004.
One sample tested too high in sodium to be legally labeled "salt free."
The same sales people tested high for assertiveness, risk-taking, drive, urgency and, above all, skepticism.
Lagoon water samples tested as high as 5% salt, twice desirable.
For some reason, I test very high on forgettability.