They supplied steam engines and threshing machines to other manufacturers, as well as selling under their own name.
In 1891 they began supplying ticketing machines for London General Omnibus Company.
Terrot produced its first twin-cylinder model in 1905, and from 1915 it supplied 500cc machines to the French Army.
The company was renamed Beloit Italia and started to supply machines and equipment to the worldwide pulp and paper industry.
They operate within 80 countries, providing staff restaurants and supplying vending machines for businesses.
It is often more economic to use softened water to supply machines rather than combat hardness salts with a sequestrant load detergents.
The Shadow stated that such might be possible, provided that the Industrial Mining Corporation would supply machines.
"I supply shops, vending machines and discount stores," Mr. Nagasaki said in a telephone interview, adding that no one from Coca-Cola in Japan had ever objected.
I remember a story about Emery Thompson supplying machines to the military.
And even the city comptroller has been focusing on education-related issues, faulting the administration's no-bid deal with Snapple to supply vending machines to the schools.