The Council will study and make recommendations on implementation to aid regulators.
The Commission was given the task of studying and making recommendations on the "misuse of land resources" and the growing complexity of overlapping local government jurisdictions.
The Federal Housing Administration sought out a seven-member panel, including Fickett, to study and make recommendations for revision of the Federal architectural code.
They gave me the Aldrin file to study and make recommendations on before the contract was accepted, before we heard that East had mounted an invasion.
I've studied your reports and recommendations, Dukat.
Mr. Hardwick is also against any across-the-board rise in the sales tax, although he said he would study recommendations for minor changes.
In addition, Congress creates commissions and establishes task forces to study and make recommendations for select policy areas that can also involve examination of executive operations and organizations.
It has dozens of technical committees in charge of studying and issuing recommendations and decrees related to the practice of medicine.
He said the board was studying recommendations that included later daytime closings, additional summer, weekend and holiday hours, and free admission at certain times.
My departments are already studying in detail the suggestions and recommendations proposed in this report.