He simply distributed it, which is exactly what other news organizations have done for a long time now.
If it is power that the leading families who supply them want, why not simply distribute food to hungry people?
Some sites broker content by searching for and matching users, while others simply distribute user lists and let the users contact each other directly.
The foundation does not simply distribute cash but finances relief projects run by experienced Swiss relief organizations.
Treatment programs, unlike vaccines or other single-dose delivery programs, are more complex than simply distributing drugs.
This provides better caching and thus better performance than simply distributing incoming DNS queries over a set of independently operating servers.
(Note that the energy is already being generated elsewhere to provide the high initial gas pressure - this method simply distributes the energy via a different route.)
This allows people to sell their credits outright, offer them as prizes, use them as bonuses in affiliate promotions and simply distribute them to friends.
In all fairness, Lucas funded The phantom menace himself, Murdoch simply distributed it.
Simply distributing the special sections also takes some adjustments.