He later married Theresa Lyons and settled in Hamilton, with their five children, running a trucking company.
Mother hoped she would become calmer when she was settled with her children and Piedro.
His wife, a native of Figueras as well, settled in Madrid with their four surviving children, and had the palacete built as a summer home.
Elisha and Eliza Smart settled here in 1838 with their 10 children.
As a result of this his wife decided to settle with her parent in Pune with their children, leaving Ankola isolated.
Lady Brandon settled in with her married daughter and the daughter's two children.
In June of that year, he settled in Barbizon with Catherine and their children.
Lukin and his wife Anne settled into family life with their 12 children.
He settled in Tigard, Oregon with his girlfriend and her two children.
After his discharge from the military, they returned to the midwest and settled in Independence with their two children.