These sessions, however, did not result in a new album, and he eventually moved back to Toronto.
As a result, the band decided to include both songs, resulting in the album running over 73 minutes long.
This resulted in the album "0816," which was released at the end of October 2008.
It also features many outtakes, including from sessions that did not result in an album by the group.
The collaboration resulted in a highly regarded album and a sell out tour.
I felt the band was working too hard to be "different", which resulted in an album that wasn't very listenable.
This collaboration was to result in the joint album Does it look like I care?
This resulted in an uneven album that included a total of four cover versions and an instrumental.
Currently the band is also recording all of their live shows throughout Spain which will result in a live album later this year.
It results in the most genuinely miserable album I've heard in years.