Nor do they describe themselves as Asian, except when it is to their advantage, as when they have a hard time renting clubs.
Private lessons will also be offered, at an additional fee that has not yet been determined, and patrons can rent clubs and have their swings videotaped and analyzed.
You can also rent clubs here.
If you rent clubs at Seignosse, you may not find a driver in your bag because, as Natalie will tell you, it's "not necessary."
Duke got out and walked toward the slanted wooden hut where customers rented their balls and clubs.
We were able to rent clubs and the services of a caddy.
A Map Only desperate hackers will be satisfied, but visitors can rent clubs and play a round at the Freetown Golf Club.
All these courses are open to the public (make reservations through your hotel), and they rent clubs and provide caddies.
Who could help us organize such an outing for 12 to 15 people who would want to rent clubs?
ON YOUR OWN Two local military bases have golf courses that are open to the public and rent clubs.