He apparently was referring to Britain's plan to seek support from the United Nations.
The basic similarity between cells refers not only to their general plan but also to their genetic endowment.
He did not refer to his plan to ask Congress for new military aid for the Nicaraguan rebels early next year.
Are you referring to President Bush and his plan to send Americans to Mars?
He hiked along, referring to his plan now and then, until he found the stack down which he had come.
"We really need this," he said, referring to the Administration's plan to overhaul health care.
She knew he wasn't referring to her plan, but it felt as if he was reading her mind.
I should like to refer to the Commission's plan to foster entrepreneurship via education, from primary school to university.
More than once the Judge refers to his plan to kill one of the passengers as a "sacrifice."
Bourassa has referred to his plan simply as the "Grand Canal."