A combination of pre- and post-screening methods is employed, dropping irrelevant or redundant data as appropriate.
The "relational table" format is not yet normalized and contain a great deal of redundant data in the files.
By backing up too much redundant data, the data repository will fill up too quickly.
Jpeg were perfect because redundant, or "noisy," data could be easily removed and replaced with a hidden message.
The compression uses some of the same technology as still image compression does to eliminate redundant or irrelevant data.
Using additional streams to provide redundant data through different spatial paths is what aids that process.
It also promotes closer ties, communication, and data sharing among agencies involved in border issues to reduce redundant data collection and project activities.
Thus, uncompressed redundant data occupy more than one bit of storage per shannon of information entropy.
Often the proportion of useful to redundant data being stored can be very small.
By transmitting some redundant data along with each document, it will be possible to reach error rates lower than one in 10 billion, he said.