Older girls found that Girl Scouting provided even more positive outcomes during the crucial adolescent years.
This tool or illustration provides likely outcomes wherever more than two political parties have a significant influence on which politicians are elected.
This general lack of commitment by schools to the internet reflects a limited perception of its capacity to provide educational outcomes for the school community.
Despite this high level of funding, the school district provides outcomes that are lower than the national average.
Selective breeding programs for aquatic species provide better outcomes compared to terrestrial livestock.
However, psychodynamic therapy may provide better long-term outcomes.
Long-term outcomes being perceived as equal, they choose alternatives providing better immediate outcomes.
There is increasingly strong evidence that "closed" intensive-care units staffed by Intensivists provide better outcomes for patients.
Many studies have confirmed that supporting a strong primary care base provides better outcomes at a lower cost [12].
Games are interactive and provide outcomes and feedback.