The southern elite wanted to prevent Boletini's plans to assert himself as a key political figure and used him to suite their military needs.
Death was killed by Deathlok while they tried to prevent Archangel's plans.
The financial difficulties faced during the construction in the 18th century prevented Pilgram's great plans from being finished.
The Civil War prevented his plans to attend Oberlin College.
After successfully tracking down Luda, Reika prevents his plans to alter the past.
To prevent their plans from derailing, Lewis attempted to persuade Argue not to force a vote at the convention on the question of the party's leadership.
The general chaos and impending collapse prevented his plans from being realised.
But the Napoleonic Wars prevented his romantic plans from being fulfilled.
Then he would use what he'd learned either "to prevent their plans from bearing fruit" or to prosecute them.
At the end, the angel prevents the demon's plans.