In addition, the delay may cause the title to miss an important launch window, potentially costing the publisher even larger sums of money.
An earlier investment in Ghana soured, potentially costing the company $150 million.
These issues, and others, are troublesome for politicians because any redistribution takes something away from somebody, potentially costing votes.
Each errant shot, and each lost stroke, was potentially costing Woods a chance to make history.
In this case, thankfully, his massive mistake didn't potentially cost a team a championship.
With hedges sometimes potentially costing thousands or even millions of dollars, many companies view such costs as prohibitive.
This misunderstanding could have potentially cost the couple thousands of dollars for insurance that they should have been receiving through Medicare.
Could have potentially cost a lot of money (had they had to fight in court) 2.
Experts in the field at the time estimated that it had potentially cost Presley millions of dollars.
Oh, that's like getting hit with a basketball sized egg on face* and it will potentially cost subs.