The sad fate of the St Lawrence belugas epitomises the problems faced by small cetaceans on an increasingly polluted planet.
In exchange for ending wars and restoring the ecological balance, and improving their heavily polluted planet, the population would become the personal slaves of Ardra a thousand years later.
These so-called biospheres constitute the first stages of the Earth's embryonic differentiation, says the author, and in the near future may prove the only havens for life on a fatally polluted planet.
David also recalls his and Karen's reasonable doubts about bringing a child into a crime-ridden, polluted planet.
"Cleaning up our polluted planet will be the growth industry of the 90's," said Donavon McKerchar, portfolio manager of Oppenheimer's Global Environmental Fund, launched last month.
Better we understand the systems we depend upon and respect them, than live in ignorance and an ever more polluted planet.
Will Polluto manage to steal Tommy Zoom's imagination and create a new, more polluted planet?
This is really a priestly, ideological effort to lower people's horizons and expectations, rather than a focused attempt to create a less polluted planet.
The alternative is an over-heated, polluted planet.
The least polluted planet of Burnital Industries.