He would have preferred to play out his career at Virginia.
Ewing has hinted that he would prefer to play out his career in Miami.
Since joining the Nets seven years ago, he has expressed his desire to play out his career with the club.
Maybe if he hadn't known, he could have played out his whole career without a problem.
Now Seattle has emerged as a potential site for Ewing to play out his career.
Still, Elliott struggled with whether he should look for a team that might allow him to play out his career as a starter.
Smith retired following the end of the 1945 season and moved to Dimboola to play out his career.
He was also one of few players then (which is even rarer today) who played out his entire career with only one team.
He played out his career in non-league before retiring.
He played out his career at the Kangaroos, playing 122 games for them, and retired in 1984.