On Capitol Hill, leaders from both parties considered plans to stimulate the economy through further tax cuts and additional government spending.
The plan is expected to create more than 40,000 jobs and stimulate over €4.5bn in investment by 2020.
Japanese industry is eager for a weaker yen, and economists said today that Japan might drop plans to stimulate its economy.
Conversely, other economists feel that the 9-9-9 plan would not stimulate the demand.
Mr. Dole has said his plan will stimulate the economy with $548 million in tax cuts while still balancing the budget by 2002.
Forbes says that his plan will stimulate the economy so much that the apparent revenue shortfall doesn't materialize.
These plans stimulated some growth, and living standards began to rise.
The plan was a generous one, and stimulated both pupils and teachers.
Each plan outlines action designed to address barriers to business investment and stimulate economic growth.
The plan also calls for new programs to help small businesses and foreign tourism, encourage minority-owned companies and stimulate private business to provide day care.