The plans range from $20 a month (60 minutes of talking) to $47 (200 minutes); checking a phone's location counts as one minute of calling.
The plans range from the elimination of certain energy taxes to the offering of business tax credits to companies that relocate to the boroughs outside Manhattan.
Original plans ranged from a large, multi-lane suspension (or similar type) bridge, to two parallel bridges (with the central span reserved for HOV lanes).
Michael Kharfen, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, said the plans received so far ranged from relatively short to several hundred pages.
Double rooms run from $108 to $229 during the summer; modified American plans range from $158 to $289.
But with factors like second theater runs to consider, plans for the four other nominees range from the proverbial chiseled-in-stone to unsettled.
The plans, as yet not finalised, could range from just a major refurbishment to a complete rebuild.
Their plans range from corporate sponsorship of advertising campaigns for some productions to the use of musical scores to build awareness of a play before it even opens.
If there's AT&T coverage where you are, you'll find that the wireless Internet service is nicely priced; plans range from $20 to $40 a month, not including a voice plan.
Serlio's reproduction seems to show an idealized plan, identical on all four sides, ranged around a court with a double arcading.