Like an obsessive Method actor, he incorporates a song into his being and then releases it in an emotional eruption fraught with tension and personal catharsis.
Although there is no sense here of symphonic grandeur or personal catharsis, these short works emerge as monumental and moving achievements.
That last remark was said jokingly; the following was not: "Writing this book was a personal catharsis.
Now, with this latest book serving as personal catharsis - and, of course, potential money maker - he is back to his old contented self.
Again and again, people came to be wracked and relieved, to undergo some personal catharsis.
The journey offers a personal catharsis for Schneebaum, but a question lingers: is his tale of cannibalism true?
While he relished this personal catharsis, however, a career boost remained elusive.
The goal of clowns is to perform, while the goal of krumpers is to more of a personal catharsis.
"Tell Them Who You Are" belongs to a simpler category: film as personal catharsis.
Whether or not the research and writing represented some personal catharsis for her, she still somehow manages to fulfill, perhaps even surpass, the obligations of the good biographer.