This, many claimed, was the beginning of a decline for the old dialect in the area, now only spoken by a few.
Traces of the old dialect are to be find in the speech of some older residents.
The old dialect is still in use, especially among the fishermen and the older generation of longtime residents.
In the town's old dialect it means "Won't you come out?"
Many words, especially in the older dialects, have shades of meaning that can only be understood by their context.
As for the Haut-Brion name, it comes from an old local dialect and had something to do with a small hill.
This is a lively piece of old Scottish dialect adopted by the modern military.
But most came simply to be with people like themselves, to trade stories in the old dialects and to see who else had come out.
Zaans is one of the oldest dialects in the country.
On the other hand, the old Iranian dialects remained prevalent in major cities.